One of the best ways for you to promote your ShopRaise program is right after a receiving a donation. This is especially effective if you provide additional non-monetary ways to support your cause such as volunteering, lobbying and online shopping. The great part about a post donation program is that once you set it up you won't have to constantly maintain it.
There are three places where you can integrate ShopRaise into your donation process. We recommend to use all three. Remember multiple touches per supporter is recommended We have created a simple integration process that has three parts.
- Donation Thank you Page banner -Place a banner / message on your donation thank you page. This page appears right after completing a donation and provides the initial receipt for the donation.
- Donation Thank you Email banner - Place a banner / message on your donation thank you email. This is typically an email receipt for the donation. You can include the ShopRaise banner as well as other ways to support your cause. It's best to give your supporters simple and easy ways to be engaged in your mission.
- Follow-up Post Donation Email - Place a banner / message on your post donation follow-up campaign. Typical follow up campaigns contain a series of emails that explain benefits of the supporter's donation and encourage them to continue to support.