Promote your ShopRaise account with the marketing below. Don’t forget to add the following to all of your communications.
- Cause Name
- Landing Page Link (Your landing page link can be found on your Cause Admin)
- Name of Sender
Email and Social Media Templates
Title: Picnics & Beaches
**Subject line:** Summer picnics that support [cause name]
Subject line: Every beach trip and picnic fundraise for [cause name] without lifting a finger
Pre-header: Fundraise without trying when you purchase supplies with the ShopRaise app!
Pre-header: All of your summer outings can help your favorite cause this summer
Headline copy: Summer outings that support [cause name]!
Body copy: All of your picnics, park trips, and beach days can help your favorite cause this summer. [cause name]! [Add your ShopRaise Landing Page link here]
Images Below -(Right click on the image or click on the image link and copy the content into your own email or social media system)
Image Link:
Image Link:
Image Link:
Image Link:
Image Link:
Image Link:
Image link:
Image Link:
Image Link:
(Right click on the image or click on the image link and copy the content into your own email or social media system)