To make things easier for you, you’ll find sample social media posts included in the Marketing Kit. Here are some best practices that will help maximize your social media results.
Frequency –When incorporating ShopRaise into your social media program you should consider the frequency of your social media posts and the platform you are using. We have found that doing 1-2 ShopRaise social media posts a week works quite well. It’s ok to repeat posts as it may take several views before a supporter will takes action.
Engagement – You should also consider the typical engagement you typically receive for a normal social media post. Depending on your engagement you might want to increase the frequency of your posting or even customize the content.
Scheduling Posts – To make it even easier to incorporate ShopRaise into your social media plan consider scheduling posts ahead of time. You can use the scheduling features in your social media platforms or use a social media management system such as loomly or hootsuite.
Content – While ShopRaise provides some sample template for you to use promoting your program. We even provide specials / deals content that can be use to promote a specific retailer or brand. Check out our Monthly Marketing Materials for holiday / event content we create for you each month.
Boosting Posts – Facebook and other social media outlets have changed. Unlike in the past your posts no longer reach all of your followers. In many cases only a small fraction of them will see a post that you make. To combat this Facebook has provided the ability to boost a post.
- What is a boost? A boost is the ability take one of your posts pay to promote it to your followers or another group.
- Why Boost? Facebook has gone on record to say that organic reach for posts from businesses is decline. In other words, the number of people your ShopRaise posts can reach is falling. Facebook boosted posts are your chance to overcome that shift.
- How Much? Even just boosting the minimum of $1.00 a day dramatically increases the number of people who see and can react to your Facebook posts.
- How Often? You don’t need to boost every post – just boost one a week.